All products purchased from the flamecubes.com will have a total of 3 years of Aishu Care warranty service.
Includes 1 year unconditional warranty, 1 year limited warranty and 1 year warranty.

What is the 1 year unconditional warranty?
- Within 1 year of purchase, Aishu team will provide you with replacement service for Non-intentional product damage and non-man-made product damage during use, and Aishu team will bear the logistics costs incurred in the service process.

What is the 1 year limited warranty?
- Starting 1year after the product is purchased,Aishu team will provide free repair services for non-man-made product damage during the use of the product, and Aishu team will bear the logistics costs incurred during the service.

What is the 1 year warranty?
- After two years the product was purchased and used.
- Within a year, Aishu team will provide repair services for any damage that occurs while using the product, and Aishu team will only charge for the logistics and service costs incurred during the service.

This is our service & help mailbox:care@flamecubes.com.
- If you need any help, feel free to contact us, and we are more than happy to help.
- If you have any ideas, please share them with us, as we value them so much.
- Thank you again for being one of Aishu.